Are you selling a home in Ohio? Are you thinking about doing exterior renovations? Revamping your yard? Roberts Paving Inc, the trusted name in Ohio asphalt paving, has residential asphalt surfaces that WILL add value and visual appeal to your home!

Transform Your Home with Expert Residential Paving Services

Our expertise extends beyond driveways to a range of residential paving solutions to enhance your property’s overall look and longevity. Trust for walkways, sport courts, patios, parking areas, and even roadway improvements on subidvisions and in small, growing communities!

Comprehensive Driveway Solutions: Installation, Repair, Maintenance

If your existing pavement is marred by cracks, diminishing your property’s appearance, our team of experts is ready to step in. We don’t just repave – we transform, ensuring your driveway becomes a seamless blend of beauty and durability. Our experience installing asphalt parking lots and other paved areas means we will create pavement that will last for decades.

Our installation services include site preparation, grading, drainage installation, pavement installation, smoothing, finishing, and more! Our skilled contractors work fast to improve your property without disrupting your life.

We go the extra mile by applying a protective seal coat to your newly paved driveway. This coating acts as a shield, enhancing the longevity of your asphalt surface and safeguarding it against the elements. Our commitment to quality extends beyond the installation, focusing on proactive measures that maintain and protect your investment.

Roberts Paving Offers Custom Driveway Evaluations

For over 27 years, our team has been the trusted choice for homeowners in the Tri-County area and across Ohio. Our experienced residential paving contractors thoroughly assess your asphalt needs, providing insights tailored to your desires and budget. Expect long-lasting results at a competitive price, ensuring your investment stands the test of time.

Schedule your residential paving consultation today!

When did your paved surfaces last receive a professional checkup? We invite you to experience the differences of our residential asphalt specialists by starting your driveway or walkway project with a call to our office.

Contact us today and transform your home with quality residential paving!



If you need your parking lot repaved, or new street paved with asphalt, call Roberts Paving today at 937.442.5595 to receive your quote.


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